Saturday, August 14, 2010

Homemade Okonomiyaki

100g okonomiyaki flour
2 eggs
100ml water
cabbage (shredded)
3 pieces Ayamas Chicken Meatloaf/ham (cut into 1 inch wide strips)

brown okonomiyaki sauce (included in the okonomiyaki set)
green seaweed flakes(included in the okonomiyaki set)
dried bonito flakes

1. Whisk okonomiyaki flour, eggs and water in a bowl.
2. Add the cabbage into the batter and mix well.
3. Heat oil in a frying pan.
4. Pour the batter in the center of the pan and spread the batter into a circle.
5. Place the ham/bacon on top of the batter.
6. When the bottom surface turn into golden brown colour, flip it over to cook another side.
7. Serve it on plate, garnish with brown okonomiyaki sauce, mayonnaise, dried bonito flakes and green seaweed flakes.

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